Joshua Bryant, saxophone

Joshua Bryant is a saxophonist based in San Antonio, Texas, where he formerly served as Adjunct Professor of Saxophone at Trinity University and San Antonio College. As a performer, Joshua shares his passion for the tenor saxophone by engaging audiences around the world and advancing the repertoire of his instrument through commissions and his own transcriptions, showcasing the vast capabilities of the tenor voice. Outside of his performances in central Texas, his most recent performances include a residency at the Sichuan Conservatory of Music in Chengdu, China, and a national recital tour with organist Samuel Gaskin, featuring performances at both the 2020 North American Saxophone Alliance Biennial Conference and the 2020 American Guild of Organists Dallas Conference. Joshua holds degrees from the University of Oklahoma and Duquesne University, where he studied with internationally renowned tenor saxophonist James Houlik.

Although Joshua’s new career is in IT, he is always looking for opportunities to perform and collaborate with other artists. In his spare time, he enjoys hiking with his fiancée, birdwatching, and learning the art of the Chinese board game, “Go”.